Speculative Design | Industrial Design
Become a Dropian
Setting up in 2025, this project provides a glimpse into a speculative future, where dropianianism becomes a trending lifestyle, just like veganism now. Become a Dropian is a campaign that aims to let people rethink their relationship with the ubiquitous water that they have access to all the time. * Dropian is a word that was invented for this project.
Individual Project | 12 Weeks | Fall 2019

a student project at Design Academy Eindhoven


[dro-pee-uh n]
a person who abstains from freshwater source for everyday life


As a company to meet dropians’ needs, drops© launches two new products to help collect and purify water. The goal of the company is to recycle, reuse and respect every drop of water.
The company also collaborates with Dropian Awareness Foundation who administered the Certified Dropian Logo to educate the public about dropianism and promote dropian-friendly businesses.

Saliva and breath vapour collector

Wastewater purifier


Why become a dropian?

Day Zero

In 2018, Cape Town almost ran out of water. This was the first major city in the world to potentially run out of water. Yet the water scarcity problem seems so far-away from residents in major cities. After all, water runs through our tap whenever we want.

What's Next?

The approach, Vision in Product Design (ViP), was used to deconstruct the existing relationship between humans and water, and then establish a worldview for a future context about how people would interact with water.

Immersive Exercise

I bought 2 buckets to save my daily wastewater and used it to flush my toilet. And I kept taking 2 min showers for the whole semester. Even though it’s not as convenient, I still lived a fulfilled and healthy life. I kept my daily water usage under 20 gallons, yet the average American uses nearly 100 gallons of water per day.

Inspiration for Dropian

I began to dive into the world of veganism when I was in the Netherlands, because my closest friend there was vegan. It’s amazing to realize how veganism is changing the industry.
Yet most people take clean water for granted. The changes to water-related behavior are especially slow. So in order to make noticeable changes, a new trend should be formed.

What would it be called? Dropianism!

Ideation based on future scenarios


Artificial Urine Experiment

Artificial Urine Purifying

Working Prototype

Let’s take actions!

In 2003, high-grade reclaimed water, known as NEWater was introduced in Singapore. Today, there are five NEWater plants supplying up to 40% of Singapore’s current water needs. Its successful large-scale implementation has required government support and media, public, industry acceptance. Yet in a not very supportive society, the users’ needs would contribute tremendously to making positive changes. Veganism is a good example. (www.globalwaterforum.com)